
THE membership community for busy women that desire to learn HOW to eat, HOW much to eat, and where to focus so they aren't in a constant loop of starting over, "researching", or feeling like they don't know what they actually should be doing to achieve sustainable fat loss.

When you get older...
Your body changes.

(I don't care what some 20 something said online... it does)

But hey...
A lot of why it changes is because YOU have changed.

Kids, Stressful jobs, Aging parents, LIFE.

What I want you to know? You don't have to feel tired, low energy and frustrated forever.

So what happened?

  • You move less than you used to.
  • ​You have been skipping meals for years.
  • ​Your stress is higher than it used to be. 
  • ​Your weight has yo-yo up and down the last decade +
  • ​Your sleep isn't what it used to be. You stay up late for "alone time" from the chaos or you wake up multiple times at night to pee, and you start everyday groggy.
  • And're likely in perimenopause or "second puberty" and its not helping you out one bit...

But what you focused on in your 20s and 30s that worked is NOT what you need to focus on NOW...

Which is why we created...


The community where busy women come to SIMPLIFY weight loss.  We cut straight through all the BS to get YOU to CONSISTENT results.

Here's what you get...

  • Custom nutrition recommendations (macros OR food suggestions) based on where you are at right now. Yes, we will tell you "how much" you need to be eating.
  • ​Weekly feedback on your meals so you know if you are eating the right combination of foods to support weight loss.
  • ​Weekly Q&A's with our coaches so you don't have to struggle alone.
  • ​Monthly challenges that hold you accountable and keep you focused.
  • Weekly education by Coach Lacy to keep you motivated and informed.
  • 20 minute easy to follow workouts posted weekly. Never get bored, they change every week! 
  • A library of short to the point videos explaining how to eat at restaurants, how to drink alcohol, how to read labels, how to measure portions. All that stuff that confuses you... Not anymore.

Yes...We've literally thought of everything. So you don't have to.

Yes, thats me. There's been a lot of ups and downs and over 15lbs lost between the 2 photos.  But the woman on the left was miserable, and the woman on the right has (mostly) figured it out.

I know what you're thinking... you've tried it all. 

And so have many of our clients. We have helped hundreds of women JUST LIKE YOU that were struggling. Oftentimes you start a program or a diet and you don't really know what you're doing. There's no road map. You're just driving blind, trying to google your way into the body of your dreams. This leads to more doubt, more despair, and just the re-telling of the story that YOU are past your prime and too old to have a body that you love.

In Fat Loss Academy, we cut through the confusion so you get to the results you want. EASIER.

Here is why working with us is different...

Most weight loss programs focus ONLY on fat loss.

They don't teach on the most important part of the equation which is fat loss MAINTENANCE.

And part of losing AND maintaining is understanding your habits and behaviors...deeper.

If it was JUST about the would never gain it back.

We know it's about so much more.

It's about you feeling worthy to spend time on yourself.
It's about how you pivot after a bad day.
It's about that inner voice you talk to yourself with.
It's about your food was seen growing up.
It's about your nervous system, the prehistoric behind the scenes operating system that is keeping you stuck or in fight or flight.
Its about how you manage emotions with food or around food (especially in social situations).

I know that if I created a space that didn't cover all of this, I would be doing women a disservice.

And after 13 years in the industry, I know that teaching women about THIS PART is the key.

This community won't just change your waistline.

It will change your life.

You are worth the work. 

I know, you need proof...

Here's what our members are saying!

We work with women who are 


spinning their wheels and ready to learn to be consistent.

How much time and money have you wasted on other things that didn't pan out? 

How many times have you relied on google or the ladies in your office to decide what's healthy for you? 

How often have you told yourself "I don't follow through" but you've never given yourself the accountability TO follow through?

A few transformations....

All of the below have been achieved during our 21-60 day challenges where we focus on 5 basic habits that change you body.

Meet Our Team!

Lacy's Story

When we adopted Meili, I went from a go go go personal trainer and endurance athlete to a Special Needs Mama overnight. 

I wasn't sleeping, I was drinking every night, and I felt guilty going to the gym because it was time I could spend at home. 

I lost myself. In 6 short weeks, I gained 15lbs and began to accept that my Mom's "just wait until you're 35" was pre-ordained. 

But I decided to fight. 

I took control of my health, healed my body from years of Hashimoto's and chronic fatigue syndrome and now rock a body that I wished I had had in my 20s. 

Not because I just look good, but because I finally FEEL good.

Miranda's Story

After having my second baby in 2010 I struggled with loving myself again. I hardly recognized myself when I’d look in the mirror. 
I was desperate to lose weight which resulted in me trying every thing one could think of. Low carb, vegetarian, “all natural” weight loss pills, cleanses, MLM diets, you name it, I tried it.

 When none of those worked, I knew there had to be something out there that allowed me to still enjoy life with my family and not consume me to the gym. 

I needed balance, and that’s what I have found! 

I never thought I’d be over 40 and look and feel better than I did when I turned 30! 

Kimberly's Story

 Always sore, always sick, always sleepy. 5 autoimmune diagnosis. That was me for so many years. 

As a Mother and Pastor's wife, putting my health first never crossed my mind. MLM supplements, vitamins, container diets, low fat, low carb, you name it, I tried it. 

In 2018, I hit a wall. I realized I couldn’t keep living life at 300#. It was time to make health a priority. 

Hiring a coach 1 year into weight loss was a huge step for me, and I am so glad I did! I believe women need to look past the pills, gimmicks, and fads. Take a look at what they are actually eating. Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Food can heal. I feel better at 42 than I did in my 20s.

Krista's Story

 After spending my whole life struggling in my relationship with dieting and exercise, ages 18-36 doing every juice cleanse, detox and HIIT and cardio class she could find, I knew I had to change.

I gave birth twice in 23 months and as my daughter got older, I noticed how observant my little girl was, wanting to do EVERYTHING like Mommy. I decided then and there that the change had to start with me and my daily habits. 

5 years later, I never thought she would look better and feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s and 30s and I've used my story to dive deeper into ways to work with women that have struggled similarly. 

I work with women that have long history's of diet and exercise that need to focus on holistically supporting their bodies to lasting health. 

Is this only for Mothers? 
Nope!  We have single women, mothers, grandmothers, empty nesters, dog moms...all are welcome
Is this only for ladies over 40?
Nope! While we work with women 40+ a lot, we are also able to help ladies that just don't want to end up in their 40's and in this pattern we see so often.  We serve women ages 25-80 currently!
Is this only for women?
Currently Fat Loss Academy is only open to women at this time.
Do I have to workout?
Nope! While workouts are provided, many of our members start by just increasing their daily movement...steps!
Do I get a meal plan?
Meal plans don't teach you how to eat.  But WE do.  There are grocery lists, meal templates, the ability to get feedback on your meals weekly.  But we don't teach you to just follow directions.  Because life happens and you need to learn how to pivot.
Do I have to track my food? 
That depends on the person.  We do teach macro tracking but recognize that isn't always the best fit.  But we do help you learn to track EASIER if thats something you want to learn.
Do I have to buy supplements?  
We are not here to sell you pills, powders or any of that other nonsense mumbo jumbo.  I'm not affiliated with any brands.

What are our team's qualifications?
(we aren't just "any" coaches)

  • 22+ years experience combined
  • ​​1000+ coached in person and online
  • ​​Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner x3 
  • ​​NCI Level 1 Certified
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified x 2
  • ​​Advanced Coaching Systems Certified x 4
  • ​​Certified Personal Trainer x 3
  • ​Pre-Postnatal Certified Trainer
  • ​​ISSA Sport Nutritionist
  • ​​Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • ​​Health Mindset Coach Certification
  • ​​Bachelor of Science in Human Development
  • ​​Advanced Female Fat loss considerations 
  • ​SE Practitioner (in training)

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